Saturday, February 6, 2010


Argh.. Cant tahan d... Must express here.

U basterd~!! I did my job kie~~ u pulak 24/7 on9.... U jz lucky la.. Don show off in frount of me.. I swear 2 god i'll kick ur bird!!!!!! Don u regret later!! So fuck off!!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Welcome back my beloved.. ^3^

My beloved come back to me lo~~!!!! WOhohohoho..

So damn happy lar.. Miss it soooooo much..

Nearly cried when they reach home yesterday night.. :><:

Now i'm free again... Free.. free.. free... ^^

Trial cuming to hunt me another 2days. HELP!!!

Hope the question are easy..

*fingers cross* ><

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



why why

why why



Saturday, August 8, 2009

Again?? ><

Okay.. My sis's bf brought his latest transformers merchandise again to make my envy. This time more advance want which is~~


A combination Optimus Prime and Jetfire~~!!!!

OMG!! Is huge, heavy and cool!!! He also buy other new 1 like...



Errr.. Dono spelling correct not k.. Lmao... Anyway, this all together want pic.. Enjoy.
>< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Friday, August 7, 2009


Extremely sad now~~~

I'm seriously damn tired of my life.

sick of being a human

Human like me in this world is a huge mistake,

Without me everything and everyone around me will have a better life,

I know that

you'll never forget the 1 silly mistake that i've once done when i was naif

and that silly mistake had cause me to lose everything i've once owned

and i'll never get it back.


Saturday, July 11, 2009


4 July

Last saturday went for Rotarian Installation dinner at penang. Only 5 people go which is weikeat, mok, khatini, phing2 n me. Mok drove us go penang around 5pm. I had a rough time choosing what dress to wear and transportation all. ><>
10 july

My sis came back yesterday cause gona take away my beloved car away from me to KL. Very angry at her cause i'm not gona drive for about 1month until the new car arrive. T.T Sure damn suffer form me!!! Miss u gurl~~!!!! Muakz... :T^T:
Anyway, sis's bf came over when she's back and bring his latest Transformer's merchendise which cost Rm200++.. Wana know what izit??

Optimus Prime, a very cool autobots sport's car and a decepticon!

The optimus prime is sooo damn cool!!!! and havy too.. Lmao.. Get ready to see both mine and his transformer's merchendise combination~~!!! ^~v

Wahahahha... Nice not?? Hehehe... Optimus prime also can sit down leh~~ Haha..

So envy his prime~~ But is ok at least i got the chance to hold n play with it i also happy d.. ^^
I also got to know that my sis's bf buy her a PSP!!! T^T The design so nice sumore.. Hiah... She so lucky~~

This is too much d~~ ......::T^T::....... Sob.. Sob.. Kkle, wana go enjoy the PSP and study d lo. Monday got test sumore. >< Wish me luck!!
Bubye~~! ^~v

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Eeriee pic~~ ><

Ok, as promise here's the picture off our time during bio class and also the rat... ENJOY~~
Healthy rats~~
Due to some problem, so teacher cant provide us mask as promised by her.. == So we 6PAE which is full of idea create our own mask using..... School tie~~~ ==

Example by mei cheng.. Lolx..

Gather to see how phing2 catch the rat while salma n tanges close the basin... (Salma so funny~)

Cutting time~~

Don faint~~ XD


Cause we took our reccess time cleaning the rat and all. So teacher allow us to go eat after we clean. Whole canteen only our class people. So we took the chage to took some pictures.. ^^

That's more pic we took that day but i lazy load.. Hahaha.. Thats all for now... Bubye~~